Wee Sprouts
Typically geared for 2 to 4 year olds
Each group will consist of up to 5 children with one Speech/Language pathologist, or up to 10 children with two Speech/Language Pathologists.
Adult-Child Ratio not to exceed 1:5 (including peer models when available)
Parents or caregivers are required to stay onsite for Wee Sprouts, and encouraged to observe.
With our unique Social Skills Groups your child will be guided through sensory motor activities and games that foster engagement, sharing, listening, creativity, turn taking, cooperation, conversation, friendships, emotional management, and other important social skills. Weather permitting; we’ll maximize opportunities explore nature’s sensory wonders right in our own back yard, taking advantage of the physical and mental benefits of outdoor play and sunshine.
Your child will be exposed to an abundance of natural sensory experiences and opportunities for spontaneous interaction. Opportunities will be provided for children of all abilities to learn and practice important social skills in a fun and safe environment.
Length: 1 hour (one day per week)
Session size is limited, so register early!
For more information, please call us at Wee Care Therapy 219.322.1415.