Our Specialties
All of our service providers possess at least a bachelor’s degree, many have completed post-graduate work, and all are highly specialized in pediatrics. Each professional values the importance of continuing education through ongoing training.
We treat children with:
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Behavior Disorder
- Cerebral Palsy
- Down Syndrome
- Verbal and/or Motor Dyspraxia
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Brain Injury (traumatic and congenital)
- Feeding Difficulties
- Prematurity
- Disorders of Speech and Language
- Other Genetic Disorders
- Other Neuromotor Impairments
Our professionals are specially trained in:
- OT Ayres SI™
- progressive casting
- feeding (Food Chaining, SOS Approach, and others)
- sensory based intervention strategies
- neurodevelopmental treatment
- myofascial release
- joint mobilization
- Wilbarger ‘therapressure’ protocol
- therapeutic listening
- interactive metronome (www.interactivemetronome.com)
- infant/pediatric massage
- oral motor techniques
- craniosacral therapy
- augmentative communication
- kinesiotaping
- Dir/Floortime
- applied behavior analysis (Our novel ABA approach incorporates a unique combination of behavioral, sensory-based intervention strategies, and play based principles)